Celiac Disease is a lifelong autoimmune disorder that affects multiple parts of your body, which can lead to other serious illnesses whether or not you are on a gluten free diet.
Blood Test
Several blood tests are available that screen for Celiac Disease antibodies, but the most commonly used is called TTG – Ig A test. For this test to work, one should be on a diet, which contains gluten. If blood test suggest Celiac disease, the physician will recommend a biopsy of the small intestine to confirm the diagnosis.
Endoscopic Biopsy
This procedure is performed by a gastroenterologist and is an outpatient procedure. A biopsy is taken of the small intestine, which is then analyzed to see if there is any damage consistent with Celiac disease. The diagnosis may be confirmed when improvement is seen while on a gluten-free diet.
Celiac Disease: Treatment & Follow-up