Celiac Awareness Blog | Gluten Free Jio - Part 2
  • Posted by Gluten Free Jio
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  • April 10, 2024

Traveling as a gluten-free traveler can feel daunting. The fear of encountering unsafe food options and the stress of potential health risks can cast a shadow over what should be an exciting adventure. Trust me, I’ve been there. After exploring the world with Celiac Disease, I understand the struggle all too well. But fear not … Continue reading Exploring the Globe without Gluten: A Comprehensive Guide to 100% Gluten-Free Travel

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  • Posted by Gluten Free Jio
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  • March 26, 2024
Skin Problem and Celiac Disease connection

Celiac disease, a well-known autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten consumption, has long been recognized for its impact on the digestive system. However, what is less commonly understood is its intricate relationship with various skin conditions. From dermatitis herpetiformis to eczema and psoriasis, the gluten-skin connection is a topic worthy of exploration. Understanding the Impact Celiac … Continue reading The Gluten Connection Between Skin Issues and Celiac Disease

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  • Posted by Gluten Free Jio
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  • March 21, 2024
Women facing celiac disease

Celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder triggered by the ingestion of gluten, poses a greater threat to women than men. Despite affecting approximately one percent of the population, women are disproportionately impacted by this condition. Delving deeper into the reasons behind this gender disparity sheds light on several contributing factors. Biological and Immunological Variances Studies suggest … Continue reading Why Women Face Higher Celiac Disease Risk: A Closer Look

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Hello everyone. I am a 15-years-old teenager called Annika Dhariwal, who was diagnosed with celiac disease at the age of 9. As someone who attends boarding school overseas in the U.K. and has traveled over forty countries, I hope to encourage and inspire other children and adults on a gluten free diet to dream big.

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